Anti-bullying and other clubs
My current anti-bullying campaign involves these eye-catching posters below. Placing these on my art wall, they will be looked upon by many students. They are unmistakable, and all have an important meaning. The posters are a reference to my favourite motto, one that I repeat at the club. Be good, do good, feel good!

The buddy scheme is pairing older, more experienced students with younger students who would benefit from support. This could also take some pressure off pastoral teachers within schools.
This might be on the school bus, which can be slightly terrifying for new students, or it could be at break time/lunch time if they're struggling to fit in.
This could easily be adapted for primary schools.
For universities, this would be pairing up second or third year students with first year students who probably wouldn't know the area, where the best place to get pizza is, etc.
This works just as well for university students as a WhatsApp group chat, in the way that the less experienced students would ask the questions, and an older, more experienced student would answer.
For more details on how to set this up at your school or university, contact me.

The BYG club
The BYG club is one I run alongside the BYC club. BYG stands for Build Your Genius, and it's a club where excelling students can go to celebrate their achievements. The club also serves as a safe space for people who face backlash for their academic achievements.