I ran my first school assembly in May of 2022, for years 7 and 8, and again in September to welcome the new year 7 students. The main theme of these assemblies was promoting the benefits of kindness and positivity, and how it can benefit your mental health. I believe in the quote 'Be Good, Do Good, Feel Good'. It really does work, and has a positive effect on your wellbeing.
I also used the assemblies to promote the BYC club and highlight that the school has anti-bullying ambassadors. I was careful to keep the tone light and cheery so it wouldn't sound like a lesson or PHSE topic. Assemblies for me were the most efficient way to give a lot of information in a short amount of time rather than just rely on students reading notices and seeing posters on the walls.
Since then, I have run confidence building workshops in my local area, such as one on behalf of the Stamford Diversity Group on the 3rd of August, in Christ Church Stamford. (see below)

Alongside this, I ran a set of 4 workshops on behalf of Don't Lose Hope, which also started in August 2023, taking place each Thursday in August. These workshops took place in the Don't Lose Hope Community Garden & Shed, where attendees were helped to build their confidence by using a variety of different tools in the shed in order to create long-lasting memories.